Join the Server Again Were Having Fun

Discord is a great social app where you tin can conversation via text, video, and voice. Just, while its community-friendly structure makes the platform great for lively debates, users do face up some perils. Ane of these is... getting banned from Discord.

There are ii different types of bans on Discord. The first is a server ban, which means not beingness able to access a specific customs server. The second is a Discord-broad ban, where you are unable to access any of Discord'southward services.

Luckily, there are a number of ways you can bypass your IP ban and access Discord. The nearly effective is to apply a VPN. So, let'southward talk virtually it - how do you shell that pesky Discord ban?

If you received a server ban rather than a site-broad ban, y'all can then re-join the server you were banned from. You tin can fifty-fifty disconnect from the VPN in one case you've created your new account.

What is Discord?

Discord is 1 of the fastest-growing social apps, rise from 45 meg users to more than than 300 1000000 in just over three years. It was originally congenital for gamers to conversation via vocalisation, video, or text while playing games similar Fortnite. Its unique selling point that made it popular among gamers, is that you tin can add a vox channel onto the server to talk to other gamers while you play. As the platform grew, other communities also benefited from this function.

The biggest servers are still typically gaming servers, but in that location are also a lot of huge Anime communities on the platform. MrBeast Gaming is the largest group, with over 700,000 members. Other gaming groups, like Ascentum Among Us, Roblox and Dynamo Gaming are as well hugely popular. Simply Discord tin can be used for anything, from singing contests to sport word groups.

Y'all tin can integrate different apps with Discord. Every bit gaming is a particularly active customs, integrating apps similar Twitch is a popular option, equally well as the more traditional social media apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Patreon. Y'all can integrate up to over 3,000 apps via Zapier, a tool designed to seamlessly integrate apps with one another.

Why Discord users go banned

If you've been banned on either a Discord server or the entire app, it'southward probably for one of the following reasons:

  • Violating Discord's Terms of Service
  • Suspicious IP accost
  • Spamming
  • Trolling
  • Existence abusive or disrespectful
  • Being a Raider (deliberately bringing a server downwards)

If you do any of these things, you'll probable receive either a server ban or a platform ban.

A server ban will come up from a specific server's administrator. This means you are blocked from that server, but yous tin can nonetheless employ any other Discord server.

In that location are ii types of server ban. If you receive a kick, you will exist removed from the server, but not blocked, so y'all could search for that server and re-join. But if y'all receive a traditional ban, your account, your IP address and phone number will be banned from the server.

Server ban options on Discord server

If you lot've received a ban from Discord directly, yous won't exist able to access your business relationship or whatever of Discord's servers. Discord usually issues a warning or a temporary ban before your account is deleted. When yous are banned by Discord, you will be notified via email, but won't delete the account for a month, giving you time to try to resolve the state of affairs.

How to unban yourself from a Discord server

If you've been IP-banned from a Discord server, y'all can regain admission either by using a workaround, like a VPN, or by reaching out to the administrators themselves.

Here, we'll walk yous through the options to assistance you become back onto a Discord server.

Use a VPN on Discord to bypass IP ban

Using a VPN is a actually good way to work around a ban on Discord. To exercise this, yous will demand to delete your data and uninstall the Discord app. You'll also need to sign up to a reliable VPN service, if y'all haven't already got one.

NordVPN app interface

You tin can and then follow our step-by-step guide above to get yourself unbanned from Discord.

Ready upwardly a new account

Setting upward a new Discord account can assist you regain admission. Still, this won't work if you've been banned because of a suspicious IP accost, unless you use a VPN to generate a new IP for you.

However, if you accept been given a server ban from an individual server'southward administrator, creating a new account and re-joining would be a straightforward mode of unbanning yourself from that server. To do this, yous will need a different email address. We as well recommend choosing a completely different username. After all, if a server administrator has banned a username of "Derek123" on Mon, it will probably seem suspicious if "Derek1234" turns up on Tuesday.

Contact customer support or server admin

If you lot've been banned from a server, contacting the server admin is frequently the simplest manner of unbanning yourself.

If y'all've been given a platform ban, y'all should contact customer support. This will help you understand why yous were banned and y'all tin work with the Customer Support squad to unban you.

Use mobile or some other network

If you take been banned because your IP address has been flagged as suspicious and you don't use a VPN, yous can get around this by downloading the Discord app onto your phone. Alternatively, you can try using a unlike network, which should alter your IP accost enough to resolve the issue.

How to unblock Discord on Windows with VPN

  1. Close Discord, and go to the appdata folder on the C:\ drive on your computer. Yous can find it nether your username folder. You may need to evidence hidden folders to see this. To enable hidden items, open the View tab and brand certain that the Hidden Item box is ticked.
  2. Once you open this binder, click on the Local binder and Delete the Discord folder.
  3. Open your chosen VPN app and connect to a VPN server to connect to a new IP accost.
  4. Reinstall the Discord app.
  5. Create a new account with a dissimilar electronic mail address and/or phone number.
  6. Login to your new business relationship and join the server you were banned from.

How to unblock Discord on Mac with a VPN

  1. Close Discord and delete the following folder: ~/Library/Awarding Back up/Discord.
  2. Open your Applications folder and drag the Discord app into your Trash Binder.
  3. Empty your Trash folder
  4. Restart your Mac and reinstall the Discord App.
  5. Open your called VPN app and connect to a VPN server to become a new IP address.
  6. Create a new account with a different electronic mail address and/or phone number.
  7. Login to your new account and join the server you were banned from.

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